Monday, January 10, 2011

{stylish blogger award}

Got a lovely email in my inbox from the very talented Canadian designer and colour expert, Anne-Marie from 10 Rooms. She nominated me for the Stylish Blogger award, which made my day! Coming from someone with such a keen eye for colour and design I was very flattered to say the least.

If you need a bit of colour help and design tips, her blog is one to check out.
The rules that come with this award are:
1.  Thank and link back to the blogger that awarded this to you.  
2.  Share seven things about yourself, I think I am going to share 10!

3.  Award other fellow bloggers, let them know they were nominated!

So here are random bits about me:

1.   I love coffee, actually it's more like an addiction. I can't seem to write a blog post or start the day without a cup of coffee. My children say I have a problem, I think they might be right.
I can't help it, I love the smell and the taste! Along with that addiction comes my love for collecting pretty coffee mugs, I love choosing the right mug for the right mood. Weird, huh?

My hope this year is to cut back {well, maybe just a little}.

artwork: Made by Girl

2.    Despite being Canadian born, English is my second language. My parents were immigrants from the Czech Republic and my mom spoke only Czech to me at home, so when I started school, I knew very little English.

Charles Bridge in Prague via The Brooklyn Nomad

3.     My husband and I have been married for almost 20 years and we have moved 9 times. Our absolute favourite place to live was in the Washington DC suburbs of Virginia. We lived there for almost 3 years and we had the most amazing experience there. We still miss our home and neighbours dreadfully even though we have been back in Canada for over 2 years, we are still "homesick." One of the reasons I love reading Pure Style Home blog is that Lauren lives in the same town we lived in! 

 Source: {Mt. Vernon, George Washington's Plantation}

4.    I am a procrastinator. It drives my family {and me} up the wall. I always have too much on my to-do list that I just put it off. I think part of the problem is that I am indecisive, I just can't make up my mind, so it is easier to put if off. That is where blogging helps, if I post a project on the go, then I am more motivated to finish it. 

5.     I like to talk, a lot.....enough said.

6.   When I was little I liked to sew Barbie dresses. Before I learned how to use my mom's sewing machine, I would drape fabric on my dolls and stitch up an outfit {sometimes those outfits couldn't come off, but they at least my doll was wearing a one-of-a-kind}.

7.   I love creating, anything from sewing, painting to furniture re-vamping. That is where my passion lies. There are times when I can't fall asleep because I have design projects and ideas floating around. In order to clear my head I jot or sketch out my ideas in a notebook so I can fall asleep. Sometimes I feel like I am going crazy - am I alone in this? {But because I am such a procrastinator, half of those projects don't get done!}

8.    I love fabric. I tend to hoard collect fabric.
One of my favourite things to do is to browse through fabric stores. I love feeling the varying textures and taking in the colours and patterns. Fabric can be so inspiring, I can come across a fabric at a store and create a whole room design in my mind around that one fabric.

9.   I love liquorice. Mmmmm...I buy black because then my family won't steal any, but I also love red liquorice.
10.   I love to sing in the car, especially when I am alone.  I love to sing. My kids know that I like to listen to the radio when I drive and if there is a good song on, I LOVE to sing along. I am sure other drivers on the road think I may be a few screws short, but I don't care.

Having enjoyed receiving this award I am as thrilled to be passing it onto:

1. Jodi from Simply Inspired Home, a local gal {and was my garden plot neighbour-small world!} that has done an amazing job renovating her home. She is a DIY gal with an eye for pretty.
2.   Alissa, from 33 Shades of Green, a blogging buddy who has a such a pretty blog. She is a sewing extraordinaire, photographer and can really cook, her photos are drool worthy.
3. Sundeep from Designwali, a beautiful design blog with a south Asian twist. 

Hope you go and check out their blogs!

Looking forward to their posts as well!

xo Barbara

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